For many transgender, gender non conforming, and non binary (TGNCNB) students discrimination and harassment is normalized in their daily lives. Transphobia is widely perpetuated in all areas of life including in education. A school campus could be the very environment that fosters hostility towards trans and non conforming students due to their gender expression and identity. TGNCNB students face bullying, harassment, and other forms of violence on campus while not having as many legal protections as their cisgender peers. This leaves TGNCNB students to contend with harassment and violence at disproportionately high rates — further placing them in a particularly vulnerable position and at need for specific accommodations. Every student deserves an education free of violence — TGNCNB children in particular need access to resources that will help them stay in school when facing discrimination.
With the future of campus protections being uncertain, there is an urgency for advocates and allies to provide trans-friendly services and push for gender neutral campus sexual misconduct policies. The high rate of violence against TGNCNB students in school significantly impairs their learning capabilities — preventing them from receiving an equal access to education. For many TGNCNB students, it is imperative that schools provide holistic services that includes cultural, social, and economic competency in counseling, housing, and administrative assistance. The following is to provide additional information and resources for transgender, gender non conforming, and non binary students.

Prevalence Rates of TGNCNB Students
These statistics might be shocking to some. However, for many transgender students, violence and harassment in education has been normalized. More background information includes the higher rates of violence trans, gender non conforming, and non binary people of color experience.

Resource List
List of organizations, websites, and groups that assist transgender, gender non conforming, and non binary students and survivors.

Frequently Asked Questions
There are lots of questions that comes with filing complaints and explaining discrimination such as “What are my educational rights as a trans, gender non conforming, or non binary student?” The following are more FAQs to assist in complaint filing.