Join us in making a profound impact this Sexual Assault Awareness Month by signing up for our Centering the Margins events, where we’ll explore the intersections of identity and the fight against campus sexual violence. Be part of the conversation and action that aims to uplift and support every survivor’s voice.

April 5, 2024
11:30 AM EST/10:30 AM CST
Co-Hosted with Survivor Fund Hub
As you know, student athletes face unique challenges in navigating the aftermath of sexual violence, including economic and psychological hardships. Many of these individuals are at a critical juncture in their lives, often already grappling with economic uncertainty as they transition into adulthood after college. Moreover, the pervasive rape culture in the sports world can make it difficult for athletes to address their experiences and seek support.
During this event, in collaboration with Survivor Fund Hub, we will delve into these issues and explore how current Title IX regulations impact survivors’ ability to receive the support and justice they deserve. We are particularly eager for the pending Title IX regulations to be finalized and inclusive of the rights of LGBTQ+ student athletes.

April 17, 2024
2:00 PM EST/ 11:00 AM PST
Powered by: Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad/Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Incorporated
As you know, with our Campus Accountability Map & Tool, we are entering a new territory in the digital realm as it relates to sexual violence. Therefore, with this event, EROC aims to explore how we can leverage technology to advance our advocacy efforts while remaining connected to the evolving needs of survivors, especially those student survivors who have been historically and systemically marginalized. Specifically, we want to the audience to walk away with these objectives:
- Understand the potential of technology as a tool for addressing sexual violence and advocating for survivors, while also recognizing the ethical considerations and potential risks associated with its use.
- Recognize the importance of centering survivor voices and needs in the development and implementation of technology-driven solutions, ensuring accessibility, inclusivity, and empowerment.
- Feel empowered to actively engage in advocacy efforts that leverage technology to amplify the injustices faced by survivors, dismantle systemic barriers, and foster healing and justice within their communities.