Campus Accountability Map and Tool

Campus Accountability Map and Tool

Transparency and accountability are the keys to creating meaningful, long-term change.

What is the campus accountability
map + tool?

This tool empowers current and prospective students, survivors, and their communities with the ability to view in-depth information on each institution’s sexual assault investigation policies, prevention efforts, and available survivor support resources as well as high-level statistics on definitions, trainings, sanctions and investigations. The map also allows users to compare these metrics between schools and gain a better understanding of what policies look like across the nation through a user-friendly interface.

This tool Includes

Numerical Statistics

The number of reported rapes, fondlings, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking, listed here are what the college or university disclosed in compliance with the Clery Act. This data comes from the U.S. Department of Education’s Campus Safety and Security Data site and is updated biannually. 

Policy Information

A summary of the college or university’s definitions and policies of consent, sexual assault, and retaliation. The existence (or not) of a sanctioning code is noted here. Whether or not the schools permits the presence of an attorney (or provides one) and  whether they prohibit mediation in the case of sexual violence, as EROC recommends, are also included int his section.

Investigation Procedures

A summary of how the college or university investigates claims of sexual assault, decides on findings of responsibility and sanctions, evaluates appeals, trains investigators, publishes sanctions data, and whether they have an amnesty policy and/or appeals process.

Prevention Efforts

A summary of what the college or university does to prevent sexual violence. Any sexual assault prevention training that is university sponsored and required for all students qualifies under this category. Any sexual assault prevention training that is university sponsored and required for all students qualifies under this category. Self-defense trainings, which often put the onus on victims to fight back, do not qualify. Additionally, the presence of an MOU with local enforcement and whether or not campus police are trauma-informed are noted here.

Survivor Support

A summary of the college or university’s resources provided to survivors of sexual assault, including accommodations, sexual assault centers, and medical services.


A summary of the ways the college or university ensures first responders and resources are accessible to all students. Access to immediate emergency interpreter services and the accessibility of Title IX website and other resources to students with visual impairments.

Who should use this tool?

Student, parents, friends, and allies can use this tool to know your rights and make informed choices in the aftermath of violence. Student activists, politicians, and those engaged in the movement to end campus sexual violence can use this tool to demand transparency and accountability from colleges and universities.


If the institution you are looking for is not listed you can add it to our list to prioritize. Complete this form to add your school to our priority list.


The CAMT is a crowdsourced tool. It is possible that there is an error, or that our information needs to be updated. To bring our attention to a potential error, please submit an Error Form.


Here’s what our partners are saying 

One in five college students reports sexual assault, and data tells us many students do not actually report. Despite increased visibility and conversations about consent and harassment, this problem is far too pervasive, traumatizing millions of students each year. Many times in the Torah, people undergoing difficult trials step forward to say “Hineni,” here I am, and it begins a holy journey. The Campus Accountability Map + Tool will empower and enable survivors to say “hineni, I am here and this requires accountability” — and begin the journey, hopefully, into justice, safety and healing.

Sheila Katz

CEO of the National Council of Jewish Women

“This map has been a behind the scenes project of EROC for many years, as we wanted to collect the most accurate, up-to-date information for students, their families, and their communities and compile it in a manner that was easy to access and navigate. Students shouldn’t have to dig for hours to find basic policies and safety data, and while some institutions have greatly improved the availability of such information,  many others still have not. I am so thankful for the countless EROC staff and volunteers who have dedicated their time to create and launch this map tool, which in turn, will greatly benefit all students across the country.”

Anne E. Clark

EROC Co-Founder

“The Campus Accountability Map + Tool (CAMT) is a one-stop resource for students, parents, researchers, and stakeholders. CAMT is an accessible tool that provides in-depth information on statistics but also current institutional policies. With a focus on marginalized institutions, CAMT is a critical resource to enhance survivor support and improve reporting.”

Brittany Hayes, Ph.D

University of Cincinnati, Department of Criminal Justice

“We are proud to support End Rape on Campus’ (EROC) new Campus Accountability Map and Tool. School policies addressing Title IX and sex-based harassment have historically been difficult to find and navigate. This resource will make it easier to find and compare information that empowers students, families, and advocates.”

Fatima Goss Graves

President and CEO of the National Women’s Law Center

“The resources and network provided by the CAMT is a game changer, and I can’t wait to see its positive impacts on the lives of survivors nationwide.”

Chalina Morgan-Lopez

Student, North Carolina State University

“The Campus Accountability Map + Tool is an incredible resource to ensure students have easy access to Clery Act-required policies, programs, and data to empower them and to help build safer campuses. We hope this new tool increases transparency and strengthens institutions’ commitment to supporting survivors.”

Jessica Mertz

Executive Director, Clery Center

“The CAMT is a game-changer for students, families, and advocates looking for what is often difficult to find information on institutional websites. The tool not only provides a single-stop location for data, policies, prevention efforts, and available resources but will inevitably encourage schools to step up their sexual violence prevention and response endeavors.”

Jennifer E. Henkle

Director, Sexual Violence Prevention and Response, Culture of Respect

“I am so happy I found EROC and am able to be a part of the SSC, as well as see and join in the work with the CAMT. In my position as a student and advocate and friend that helps others navigate receiving help or reporting – I never knew that some information was available until I had the proper terms to search for it. I specifically think about the ‘public crime logs’ required by the Clery Act. I never found that in searching sexual assault on my campus until I learned about it in an EROC SSC Meeting – then I knew what to look for. All that to say, I think the CAMT is a wonderful and powerful tool for students, future students, and even staff/faculty on campus.”

Emily Ratkowiak

Student, Auburn University

“As the Direct Legal Services Manager at Equal Rights Advocates, I’ve seen student survivors face a myriad of challenges when filing Title IX complaints, from navigating unclear campus policies and procedures to student silencing tactics by Respondents in the form of defamation lawsuits and counter-complaints. CAMT is an important digital resource for survivors that allows them to easily access Title IX policies of colleges and universities across the country, providing more clarity and transparency in the process and allowing survivors to access information about sexual assault statistics and survivor support resources.”

Harjit Kaur

Direct Legal Services Manager at Equal Rights Advocates

“EROC’s CAMT is and will be a great resource for community members, advocates, and students to clearly view data on sexual harm on college campuses. Outside of individual college campuses, it helps us to get a better understanding of a larger culture of how campus safety is codified in institutional policies nationwide.”

Kesi Felton

Founder of Better to Speak

“We believe the CAMT created by End Rape on Campus will be an invaluable tool in highlighting sexual assault statistics and reporting mechanisms for college campuses across the nation. By having this tool as a resource, advocates can better support survivors and improve prevention efforts in the long-term.”

Kyle Linton

Executive Director of OurWave

“As a student survivor, I am grateful to the EROC Team’s hard work on the Campus Accountability Map + Tool! I graduated from undergrad several years ago, and I wish I’d been able to access a tool that allows students to conveniently access college and university statistics, resources, and policies and systems for reporting in one place. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to volunteer my time and I am looking forward to seeing the impact this powerful, innovative tool has on the upcoming classes of college and university applicants.”

Rachel Barkley

Student, Cardozo School of Law

“Myself and SafeBAE are so excited to see this incredible resource for prospective college students and their parents to utilize in college searches.  Picking the best, but also the SAFEST campus should be a fundamental right to everyone.”

Shael Norris

 Executive Director of safeBAE

“The Campus Accountability Map and Tool is a critical resource for student organizers as it lessens the research burden that otherwise arises when they have to collect and analyze policies and data from multiple sources. The availability of the CAMT will create more space for students to do the important work advocating for change and accountability from their institutions.”

Tracey Vitchers

 Executive Director, It’s On Us

“As a technology provider in the space of supporting survivors of sexual assault, the End Rape on Campus CAMT is brilliantly shining a light on colleges and universities nationwide and the resources they have (or do not have) for survivors. The data provided allows individuals to make informed decisions about the safety on campus.”

Maggie Slater


“Safety is essential in guiding a student’s on-campus experience. Unfortunately, however, harm can still occur. The Campus Accountability Map + Tool developed by End Rape On Campus provides students with the critical information to navigate these already complex decisions in a way that puts their needs and concerns first while illustrating paths to accountability and resources. For students who are also survivors, knowing the stats, parameters, and policies set in place at an institution makes all the difference.”

metoo International

“We are excited to support the launch of the Campus Accountability Map + Tool (CAMT) as it is a game changer and transformative resource for survivors and parents. For students to have access to a central database that gives you a one-stop shop to learn about the prevention, investigation policies, and post-assault resources helps remove access barriers to critical information. For parents, the CAMT provides a holistic overview of what your child’s school is doing to provide a supportive and welcoming campus environment and what supports are offered in the event that harm happens. Finally, the CAMT provides a rubric by which administrators can measure their prevention education and advocacy services across the United States to best meet survivor needs.”

Sarayfah Bolling

Director of Programs and Strategic Engagement, Callisto

“Sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking are alarmingly widespread and dangerous problems affecting hundreds of thousands of students at college campuses across the country. As an organization that has spent years working directly with college students to prevent assault on campus and change the culture to be survivor-centered and trauma-informed, we are excited to see EROC’s new CAMT tool that will empower students and parents with the knowledge to make more informed decisions about their higher education. This is an important step towards pushing colleges nationwide to prioritize gender-based violence prevention and continually seek better ways to combat sexual assault on campus.”

Meredith Jacobs

CEO of Jewish Women International

One in five college students reports sexual assault, and data tells us many students do not actually report. Despite increased visibility and conversations about consent and harassment, this problem is far too pervasive, traumatizing millions of students each year. Many times in the Torah, people undergoing difficult trials step forward to say “Hineni,” here I am, and it begins a holy journey. The Campus Accountability Map + Tool will empower and enable survivors to say “hineni, I am here and this requires accountability” — and begin the journey, hopefully, into justice, safety and healing.

Sheila Katz

CEO of the National Council of Jewish Women

“This map has been a behind the scenes project of EROC for many years, as we wanted to collect the most accurate, up-to-date information for students, their families, and their communities and compile it in a manner that was easy to access and navigate. Students shouldn’t have to dig for hours to find basic policies and safety data, and while some institutions have greatly improved the availability of such information,  many others still have not. I am so thankful for the countless EROC staff and volunteers who have dedicated their time to create and launch this map tool, which in turn, will greatly benefit all students across the country.”

Anne E. Clark

EROC Co-Founder


The Campus Accountability Map + Tool was built from the passion and dedication of many supporters and volunteers. We would like to thank all of those who helped at every stage, from conceptualization to it’s release. Below are some of the names of those who contributed.

Alexandra Arsuaga, Student • Alexandra Schell, Student• Amy Dreytser, Student • Andrew Lessman • Angelina Cantelli, Student • Anthony Casabianca Jr, Student • Ashley Lopez, Student • Callisto • Candice Coats • Caroline Christ • Caroline Kane • Charlotte Ausfahl • Colton Cronin • Deanna Robertson, Campus Administrator • Devi Jags • Dylan Miller, Student • Fenner D., Student • Gail Dyer • Grace Davis • Halee Bernard • Hannah C. • Hannah Wilcove, Student • Heather Fuentes • Heather Spezzaferro, Parent • I Am Journey • Ill Hayman • Iris Haik, Student • Jacob Hirsch • Jade Bernad • Jasmine Chvilicek • Jenna Almonte, Parent, Sexual Violence Public Speaker • Jordan G.G., Student • Kameron Abilla, Student • Kat Parker, Student • Kate Clemenz, Student • Katie Stelling, Parent • Katie Stoll • Kayla Bolling, Student • Laney Chace, MSW • Latinas Promoviendo Communidad/Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc. • Laura Reid, Former Student • Lauren Ward, Howard Development and Consulting • Laurie Gunn • Long Family Foundation • Luke Po, Student • Lynn Morancie, Howard Development and Consulting • Mallory Robison • Margaret Maurer • Marlane Bosler, Student • Mary Abigail Moore, Student • Melissa Rivera, Student • Mytreyi Sureshkumar, Student • Northeastern University Alliance of Civically Engaged Students • Rob Howard, Howard Development and Consulting • Sabina Perry, Student • Sayedah Mosavi • Shiwali Patel • Susan Daniel • Terri Poore • Tracey Vitchers • Wyatt Mattaway, Student

Thank you to our Sponsors