LGBQ Prevalence Rates


Facts about LGBQ Experiences  in US

  • The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Projects (NCAVP) estimates that one in ten LGBTQ survivors of intimate partner violence have experienced sexual assault.
  • One study found that 73% of LGBTQ college students experience sexual harassment or abuse and more than 6% of LGBTQ college students change their school or major as a result.
  • Bisexual women (61%) reported higher levels of rape, physical and/or sexual abuse, and stalking by an intimate partner than both lesbian (43.8%) and heterosexual women (35%).
  • A compilation of reports found that  women account for about 2 to 6% of perpetrators.
  • Studies show similar rates of intimate partner violence in heterosexual relationships as LGBTQ couples.
  • One study found that nearly half (46%) of bisexual women are raped in their lifetime
  • 40% of gay men and 47% of bisexual men experience sexual assault in their lifetimes
  • One out of three lesbians has been sexually assaulted by another woman

LGBQ People of Color

  • One study found that most LGBT students of color reported feeling unsafe at school, with the majority of Native American students at 74%.
  • 48% of LGBT students of color reported being verbally harassed in school, while 15% reported being physically assaulted.
  • The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs of LGBT survivors of violence found that 48% of those who had contact with police reported experiencing misconduct including excessive force, unjustified arrest, or entrapment.
  • LGBQ students of color who have been abused are three times more likely to miss school.
  • One national study found a sexual abuse to prison pipeline with girls of color, disproportionately filtering Black and Latinx LGBT/GNC girls into the juvenile justice system.
  • According to one study, LGBTQ youth under the age of 30 are 1.6 times more likely to experience physical violence than the general population

LGBQ Youth and Poverty

  • LGBTQ people face higher rates of poverty and marginalization, which puts them at greater risk for sexual assault
  • Many reports have found that there is an employment gap with LGBTQ people — which could ultimately lead to poverty and homelessness if they cannot access the means to provide for themselves.
  • For some LGBQ individuals, such as queer women, the impact of employment discrimination and the gender wage gap affects income and disproportionately pushes them into poverty.
  • Sexual assault is a precursor to and consequence of homelessness — which significantly impacts the lives of LGBTQ youth, particularly those who become homeless after coming out.

Sexual violence against women by women

  • A study conducted by the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault found that 1 in 3 lesbians has been sexually assaulted by another woman.
    • 1 in 4 had experienced sexual violence within a lesbian relationship.
  • Sexual abuse by a woman has been reported by up to 50% of lesbians
  • A compilation of studies found about 17 to 45% of lesbians report having been the victim of at least one act of physical violence by a lesbian partner.
  • Several studies found a range from 5% to 57% of participants who have experienced an attempted or completed sexual assault or rape by another woman.
    • Most studies find a mean rate of over 30%.