Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are amongst the many colleges and universities that have been mishandling sexual assault nationwide. However, predominately white institutions (PWIs) have been the primary focus of the campus anti-rape movement and media coverage, which frequently disregards HBCUs and cuts them out of critical conversations. HBCUs and its students have been made invisible by the media, especially in cases of sexual assault. This lack of coverage feeds into a myth that sexual violence does not occur on HBCU campuses, or that HBCUs are handling sexual assault cases better. The erasure of HBCU survivors marginalizes and isolates HBCU students from receiving help and inhibits them from learning their rights.

Resource List
List of organizations, websites, and groups that assist HBCU students and survivors.

Frequently Asked Questions
There are many questions that comes with filing complaints and explaining discrimination such as “How can HBCU discriminate against Black students?” The following are more FAQs to assist in complaint filing.